Teaberry Hill Woodworks
PO Box 415, Strasburg, VA 22657
Phone: 540-533-1185
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W132  Wood Identification Candy Dispenser

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Focus Skill:

Basic Wood Identification

General Shop Skills:

  • Measuring
  • Boring
  • Finishing
  • Gluing
  • Some sanding may be necessary


3/3" wood auger bit, bit brace, bar clamp, sanding block with sandpaper, bench rule portable electric drill, 3/16" twist drill bit.


The species of wood to be used with this kit includes, yellow poplar, black walnut, black cherry, white pine, oak, and eastern red cedar. Each of the 6 wood parts will be a different kind of wood.

Recommended Grades:

Grades 6-8

General Information:

This project is designed to aid in teaching the basic principles of wood identification to middle grade students. This kit can be used in conjunction with the wood identifications set W130. Each kit contains 6 blocks of wood, (all different species), wood dowel, small mouth canning jar ring, screws to attach the ring, and an information sheet for assembly. Glue and the canning jar is not provided.  A teacher’s kit will be sent with your first order to allow the instructor to construct the project so he or she can best determine how to teach the students. Parents should provide the jars for the students to use this kit at home.

Items/parts not individually wrapped or packaged.

Teaberry Hill Woodworks is a family owned business, providing wood & metal project kits and wood identification samples to schools, churches, 4H groups, Boy & Girl Scouts, and other youth organizations.

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