Teaberry Hill Woodworks
PO Box 415, Strasburg, VA 22657
Phone: 540-533-1185
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W120  Mid-Atlantic Timber Trees Wood Identification Set

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General Information:

This set is designed to represent the common woods used in the production of wood products in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Each sample is 1/2" x 3" x 5" and is stamped with a corresponding number.

  1. Ash, White
  2. Basswood
  3. Beech
  4. Birch
  5. Cedar, Eastern Red
  6. Cherry, Black
  7. Elm
  8. Gum, Black
  9. Hemlock, Eastern
  10. Hickory
  11. Locust, Black
  12. Maple, Red
  13. Maple, Sugar
  14. Oak, Black
  15. Oak, Chestnut
  16. Oak, Northern Red
  17. Oak, White
  18. Pine, Eastern White
  19. Pine, Shortleaf
  20. Pine, Virginia
  21. Poplar, Yellow
  22. Sassafras
  23. Sycamore
  24. Walnut, Black

Each set contains 24 samples, answer key and information sheet.  The information sheet includes teaching resources will be sent with each order.


Items/parts not individually wrapped or packaged.

Teaberry Hill Woodworks is a family owned business, providing wood & metal project kits and wood identification samples to schools, churches, 4H groups, Boy & Girl Scouts, and other youth organizations.

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